Clumsiness/ Easily Hurt
HI guys, I am wanting to find out from you if anyone here MAKES silly decisions like ways of doing certain things almost being clumsy in a way...I find I am very clumsy. When I sit down on a chair I will often bump my knees on a corner of the table or on the leg of a table. Or I will walk into a door handle and end up with bruises everywhere....I get very frustrated as this adds to my pain.
@A MyFibroTeam Member You want to talk about clumsy two nights ago I took my dogs for a walk, I was almost home a block over when all of a sudden I'm not sure what happened but I was face down on someone's front lawn. It took me a bit to get up and I was confused because like I said I didn't know what happened. But it was quite embarrassing to say the least but I am thankful that I landed on the grass instead of the pavement. Here is a link that you may want to check out I did.
Put me down for ALL of that! Add weird rashes, stabbing pain that takes ur breathe away. Bones hurting so bad they feel broken. Almost constant duzziness at some level and much more. Honestly...the pain sucks but I can deal. Its the cognitive issues and feeling sick ALL the time. Thats what makes me wanna curl up and disappear
@A MyFibroTeam Member That is smart that you take someone with you or having others willing to take you. I know what you mean about too long in the car I try to get out and it takes me a few moments to get my legs under me and I endure a lot of pain. I think that it has to do with the out stretch of the leg where at least the other is relaxed. I think I found something of some interest on this you may like to read.
Numerous fibromyalgia patients report cognitive difficulties also referred to as ‘brain fog’ that is described as difficulty thinking, concentrating or problems with short term memory tasks. Brain fog is substantiated by abnormally slow brain wave patterns among individuals with fibromyalgia and commonly reported cognitive deficits. Many experts feel that ’brain fog’ is directly related to the sleep disturbances experienced by those with fibromyalgia. Finally, some individuals also experience perceptual disturbances such as difficulty surrounding the ability to make figure/ground distinctions, loss of depth perception and an inability to focus vision and attention. A number of neurological symptoms are associated with fibromyalgia such as poor balance, weakness, tingling, short-term memory impairment, confusion, directional disorientation and sensitivities. A number of patients state they experience sensitivity to particular stimuli such as temperature changes, humidity levels, medications or even certain foods or smells.
My water aerobics helps my balance. My instructor said that certain exercises programs the brain and improves balance. I have not been going lately and have found that my balance is going south. After I return to water aerobics, I will update you.
@A MyFibroTeam Member I guess my favorite word is a what-ya-ma-call it or a doo la-li....LOL. I have stated this before...I can handle the pain because it is a part of who I am after 11 yrs. This cognitive embarrasses me....I can't remember words during a conversation...It makes me feel stupid. Sometimes I wonder if I am going to end up with Alzheimer's. If I don't do something right when I say I might as well forget. I will go into a room to do something and forget what I was gonna do...have to walk out of the room, then something will clue me in. I could go on what this cognitive has caused me to do...sometimes I feel I shouldn't be driving alot. Soft hugs
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