Giving Up Caffeine?
Last year I complained that my doctor that my heart rate seemed to be high. The only reason I knew this was because the exercise machines at the Y would tell me to slow down after taking my HR. But, when I slowed down I didn't feel like I was working hard enough. I honestly don't remember what the doc said because we went off on a tangent thinking my gall bladder was troublesome (it wasn't). So, now I have a cool phone that will take my HR and it is often in the low 100s while doing everyday… read more
I have a low hr but am still crazy dizzy
I have a resting heart rate around 100. Sometimes it feels like I am suffocating and my heart is pounding. I always assumed it was anxiety but am being sent for a thorough check on my heart just to make sure.
Oh, darn it!
I am hoping that lowering my heart rate will help with the dizziness...
PS - I used to have a resting HR of 60 and excellent BP, which I know because my husband has high BP and I would use his cuff to see how awesome mine was.
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