Do any of you find that at night you begin to itch?? I itch on my ankles, back, trunk and forearms.
I did that when I was on levothyroxine for hypothyroidism.
I'm currently getting all the info I can on being more healthy. Have any of you watched Fat, Sick and almost Dead?
The man on this documentary starts itching like crazy and he changes his diet and so much gets better for him.
@A MyFibroTeam Member pain meds, hot showers, heating pads and other versions of relief we have cause itching. First eliminate them one at a time, see if you get to the root of it. There are some creams that help me, ie Gold Bond Anti-itch and Ucerine (sp?} Eczema Cream.
I itch a lot. I also had rashes showing up in random areas. I took Benadryl & it actually worked... I don't normally use it because it typically doesn't help but it did this time.
yes especaily when I sweat at night, it feels like my skin is allergic to my sweat drives me nuts
Does Anyone Seem To Be Super Sensitive To Bug Bites? A Mosquito Bite Feels More Like A Bee Sting To Me.
Itchy Scalp
Have You Found Anything That Helps With The Feeling Of Crawling Bugs On Your Skin? Tia