Has Anyone Heard Of Or Tried Cryotherapy?
I was just told that it is a treatment featured on the Kelly & Michael Show that has been shown to be super effective for Fibro patients. My sister is so convinced that she is actively seeking a way to get the treatment for her RA. I did not see the show. I am just getting ready to research it myself and thought I would start here.
It was super scary! I just do the cold air chamber ( I'm sure that's the technical term haha) I stand in it with my head out. It gets -110CΒ° at stage one, I'm not sure what stage 2 or 3 get to yet. Its a dry cold so it doesn't hurt my bones but my skin hurts and turns bright red. 3 minutes is the longest you can be in. When I get out they have you go in another room with a fireplace and get dressed and do streaches (Its my favorite room) I just finished my 6th treatment and I'm signing up for a month. I'm in Idaho falls, Idaho. Its not horrible priced either. For a month membership that you can go once everyday 6 days a week its $250, not as bad as some other treatments. I won't lie it scares me every time I go in and it hurts my skin (wear leggings) but after I get out and start moving my energy is up, my sleep is better, and my GI tract is working better. I went in with back pain yesterday and it wasn't there when I left but it only stayed gone bout 1/2 hour. They said the more I do it the longer the pain will leave. They are not sure how many treatments I will need before I can drop down to just coming as needed. Hope that all makes sense and I'm not rambling on.
I think Fry had something similar done to him in Futurama and he ended up in the 31st century so be careful, lol.
Yes it. It's only a temporary fix. I still get flare ups believe me. But not as often. But when I do get them they are excruciating!!! And sometimes for days. I still keep reading and searching for a cure like we all do. I just was tired of being on pain meds that weren't helping. Just put weight on me. That's about it. All I can do is pray for all of us that they find a cure soon. ππΌπ
The first couple time I would turn my car heater on high and then come home and take a hot bath, but now bout half hr later I'm no longer feeling cold.
I started cryotherapy 5 days ago for my fibro. It is so very cold and burns so much!!!! I wear a thin pair of leggings to help take some of the pain away. It took me 3 days to get up to the 3 minutes that is the ideal time for benefits. I have more energy my digestive tract is working better and am sleeping better. I haven't noticed much on the pain side but they told me where I had chronic pain it takes a bit longer to feel the affects of it.
Has Anyone Tried Cryotherapy For Fibromyalgia?