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The Financial Impact Of Having Chronic Illness

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Sevenoaks, UK

How do you cope with the financial impact of having chronic illness? Illness has robbed me of parts of my life but has also robbed my purse. Expensive treatments, prescription payments, hospital parking charges, travelling to and from appointments, help around the home, not being able to work, not being able to drive, public transport costs, and the cost of just being able to live. Personally I think the financial cost of my illness must have gone into the thousands. Tips on coping with the… read more

October 2, 2015
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A MyFibroTeam Member

As part of my journey to living more positively with Fibromyalgia and financial implications I weaned myself off all my medication over a 5 months period. I discovered that all my meds was contradicting each other and actually making me more sick instead of better. At this point if and when I do need to use meds I opt for the holistic route which is far less expensive. I've eliminated a huge chunk of expenses since my elimination of all my meds.
I only use my 2 asthma inhalers at this point.

September 10, 2016
A MyFibroTeam Member

My body has decided lately it wanted to quit working and so I needed to quit working so right now I'm looking at disability at 23.... I don't want to but sometimes it's the reality of our condition

October 3, 2015
A MyFibroTeam Member

I find it overwhelming at times as well and sometimes I just put everything to the side and lay down. Not the best way to handle financial matters but if I stress over it too much it will bring on a bad flare. I totally relate to what you are saying and I feel guilty for using so much money that could otherwise be going somewhere else. At one point we were so desperate for me to get well (I could barely walk around for long after a probably unncecessary shoulder surgery) that we went to a spine/massage/physical therapy place and opened up a charge card fof $7,000 so I could go 3x a week for 3 months. I will be paying that off for years and each time I get the bill I get so upset. But when you want to feel well you will at times try anything I guess.

October 3, 2015
A MyFibroTeam Member

I believe it's always worth a try keeping communication with your spouse. I also believe some don't understand because they don't have the knowledge. Educate by you tube that explain the condition, take them to a support group etc. shitting yourself out might bring depression or more depression. Reach out to others if people are not willing to understand. Stay positive keep your smile on

October 2, 2015
A MyFibroTeam Member

I agree it is a burden, at the end of the month, I look through my check book, and most of my payments out are to dr,s, massages, rx's, creams, something to do with health care. It really is out of hand. But what else can be done, I need all this just to work, and I need work, for all this. A cycle. Any ideas, I am open too. Plus I have over 4 million invested in my body from surgeries. I would have rather had the money than surgery at this point. I hope help comes soon.

October 2, 2015

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