How Has Endometrial Cancer, Radiation Affected YourFM?
Hi, Everyone! I am wondering...has anyone here had radiation treatments for cancer? If so, how did it affect your FM symptoms? Also, has anyone had endometrial cancer? What was your fatigue like? And did it make your FM symptoms much worse?
First all God bless you @A MyFibroTeam Member I never did have endometerial cancer but I do have PCOS. Back in 2004 I had to have an endometrial Ablation and D&C. This was right after the time that I was diagnosed with Fibro. It was suppose to be out patient surgery but because of my fibro.....the pain in my uterus was so intense. I ended up having to stay the night on a morphine drip. I guess you can say my Fibro affected me then. I did heal pretty quickly though. It has kept me from having a period since then.
ANimmo, Thanks for your testimony on your experience. I pray you are having a Blessed Day.
Angela, I didn't have Fibro. at the time of such surgery. The doctor removed everything and put me on estrogen. At least 10 years ago, the person who was my family physician jerked me off of estrogen. My body has gone downhill ever since with pain--from estrogen depletion and other things. It sounds like many now have a much less painful surgery when having this done. To put it bluntly, my guts were split wide open and stapled up. I was in the hospital for 10 days. I know that most of my pain is from a bad accident years later. 3 or 4 years *after accident, I had rotator cuff surgery on one shoulder. A couple of years later, the other shoulder. I still have 24/7 pain since the surgery. Since you already had Cancer, it could be that you have more Fibro. pain. Until after the accident and estrogen having been taken from me, I didn't have this kind of pain after the hysterectomy.
I pray that ALL have a better and pain-free Fibro evening and Friday. God Bless.
i survived breast cancer in 2014. lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation. lots n lots of rest is all i can say. Rest will be the word of your life. I hate it. but without it life can really be unlivable.
I had endometriosis and the pain was horrible. I had a partial hysterectomy.I still have my ovaries.
I had severe endometriosis for 20+ years. The doctor did a complete hysterectomy and said it was about to spread and become cancer throughout entire body. I felt like walking out and begged for release after recovery. Now feel so much better. That was 6 years ago. Prayers for God's healing and 🤗 too.
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