How Does Everyone Cope With Housework. I'm Having Such A Difficult Time Of It.
Linda Ask him to pitch in and help
@A MyFibroTeam Member. What I do is rest in between chores. Dust, rest, vacuum,rest. That works for me. Hope you figure it out. Hugs and prayers
Somedays nothing gets done. Its a plain couch day. Some days i do a little just to keep it looking tidy. Dust and vacuum days are for when I feel good. But then its total torture. Everything I do I know I will regret later. There is no right answer. You have to listen to your body. Soft hugs.
Hello Ladies how are all of you?? I am so glad to hear that all of you do not let cleaning your house make you stressed out. I too used to be a clean freak while working 10 hours a day everyday except Sunday. I had 3 younger kids,2 were early teens and my son was 10. The 2 older kids( girls) would help their dad babysit while I worked 6am to 3pm I would come home cook and clean. Whew!! A year later we bought a house I tore my miniscus in my left knee, had my knee replaced,I was just a mess. I had so much pain and when I went to my doctor she said I had Fibro and with the surgeries the pain was worse!! All I could do is cry. I had my gall latter removed, a second torn miniscus in my other knee a replacement there too. Pain, pain and more pain. I left my job, got on SSD. Retired. I am on pretty strong meds for pain, depression, statins for cholesterol a few more pills for something I don't for what lol. It is mostly me and my husband then 5 grandkids after school to watch till their mom comes home from work. My house will never be 100% clean, I learned to not get stressed anymore about a messy house, oh I also have 2 inside dogs, 1 is mine and 1 is my daughters. Grandkids help clean their mess up before they go home.
No more going crazy sometimes lol lol lol.
Ladies please try to relax ok Cleaning shouldn't be your number one priority rest and relax ok A little dust never hurt anyone. Do what you can and do no more when you start feeling sore. Good-luck and God Bless
My house is not clean but it's not a total disaster. I do what I can when I am able. Sweeping/Mopping pretty much do me in so I try to save the two for a "good day" with hits and misses to keep it decent in between. I could knit a blanket with the dog hair our precious pooch is shedding right now. I'm not happy with it but if I stress about it -- It's not going to make it go away and the stress will add to my pain. I always remember what my Gramma used to say...."If you don't like what you see when you walk in the front door--- keep going and don't let the back door hit you in the a...on your way out." Try to pace yourself as much as possible. ((HUGS))
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