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Fibro Meds And Sexual Dysfunction

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
Rusk, TX

Can you still have an orgasm on your fibro med?Most fibro meds cause me to not be able to achieve an orgasm and sex is important to me. Of course feeling better is too but there must be a drug which will benefit me that does not destroy my sex life

May 15, 2016
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A MyFibroTeam Member

@A MyFibroTeam Member, it does seem like we all have bodies that are falling apart or at least very susceptible to needing multiple surgeries. About 20yrs ago I had to have both of my knees operated on, besides the loud grinding, he scraped the arthritis out and then the worst part was when the kneecaps were out of their lateral tracking so some nerves and tendons had to be cut and repositioned. I was on crutches for months and still drove every day to see my mother who was in and out of hospitals and many nursing homes. And to add insult to injury, that summer I fell between 2 large rocks and our waterfall pond and broke my right arm, and had a cast. So I made stretchy covers for my cast to go with my outfits. The Drs and nurses got a kick out of them and said that I should market them. Lol
Drs have said that it's best to wait for the artificial knees that are better made. Who knows what will be available in the future? Take care, much love... :-)

May 15, 2016
A MyFibroTeam Member

@A MyFibroTeam Member I just read your profile about your tos I just had my second surgery for frozen shoulder May 5th Wow how I learn something I have in common with other fibro folks Sorry you have these problems I also need knee replacement but have been told to wait

May 15, 2016
A MyFibroTeam Member

@A MyFibroTeam Member do u take a fibro med or antidepressant or requip

May 15, 2016
A MyFibroTeam Member

No hun, by neutral I mean that no matter what we did or how long it took, I had the desire but I couldn't complete the experience. :-[

May 15, 2016
A MyFibroTeam Member

glad u can take Lyrica @krystal343 I found it really helped restless leg which helped me overall but dang it kills sex for me I think I'm having the same problem with requip

May 15, 2016

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