Skin Sensitivity
My skin is sensitive to the touch. It literally hurts to have my skin touched. Any advice? It's hard to deal with.
Merlyn is correct that unfortunately it is a symptom of this disease. Sometimes you have to educate others about your illness and let them know that you are sensitive to touch. Soaking in a Epson Salt bath helps to relieve muscle tension, pain and inflammation.
Tell people not to touch you lol, no for real I have that also. I don't like anyone to touch me, I've never had a massage and don't want one. I've tried every message chair at brookstone and they all hurt me so bad. Don't poke me either it daughter has the same issue and it worries me. I unfortunately don't know any long term thing to do. Just warm baths I just wanted let you know I have the same problem so if I find a answer I'll let you know and let me know if do too. 😊
Its parenthesis. Skin pain. I get it all over.
I have yelled out many times when my chawawa steps his little bony feet across any part of my body. Its for real ,hurts like crazy and my hubby says im over reacting.:)
Its just part of this disease. Wished it wasnt. Sometimes it feels like you run fever or youve exercised to the max. But sometimes your skin feels burned . Hope you start feeling better
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