I have had bouts of Bedwetting in the last 3 years. The first time it happens about 3 times a week- then it went away for about 6 months Then it came back 4-5 nights a week. Was seen by urologist and nothing wrong Even did a sleep apnea test which was fine. It went away again for a long time until now - I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago Last night I wet the bed . Maybe I had the start of Fibromyalgia the last few years Is it truly a symptom?
Thanks all!!❤️
I've had leakage sometimes - I get a sudden urgency and then can't make it to the loo in time!
Ok,looked it up,and it said it could happen daytime or while sleeping. What do you drink besides water? Any caffeine, alcohol, citrus,will make it worse. I used to get up 3 times at night, now I stop drinking anything about 2 hours before bed and I can wait till morning,or maybe get up once. There are a couple of over the counter things you could try too. One is a pill,the other is something you put in your hoo-ha. Strange, but sounds like it works!
Look up irritable bladder and see if a symptom is bed wetting. Don't freak out about MS, I was checked for it a few months ago, bladder problems not a symptom. I will look up the irritable bladder and get back to you
I would ask your dr to rule out Mutiple Sclerosis
I have not wet the bed, but I have had trouble wetting my pants on the way to the bathroom, mostly at night. Mine started after cancer treatments and my radiologist said it was irritable bladder. I was given Pyridium, which made me pee more frequently. But I did start noticing less issues after about a week. Only bad thing is it turns your pee dark orange and I sometimes had to flush twice tbecause I was afraid it would stain my toilet.
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