Doctors In Oregon's Albany Area?
Moving to Albany, Oregon next month. I'm wondering if anyone can recommend any good family practitioners, rheumatologists, neurologists, and/or gastroenterologists?
I bought this book just 2 days ago. It was very informative. I really got a lot of info that I will be talking about with my dr.
I live in the Portland area, but would like to recommend an amazing Fibro doctor. Her name is Dr. Ginevra Lipton, and she works in Lake Oswego. She's helped me a lot and she actually has Fibro herself. She's written two books on Fibro also.
I'm sorry, the name of the book I found to be extremely informative is The FibroManual by Ginevra Liptan
The book is called "The Fibro Manual". By Dr Ginevra Lipton.
Thanks wendy_20. I will look I to her.
I Have Trouble Breathing And My Entire Upper Back Muscles Are Involved. It Hurts So Much. They Are So Sore. I Have To Sleep On A Heating Pad
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