Has Anyone Else Experienced Changes In Vision Like Over Night?
About a week ago I got up and put my glasses on and just thought they were dirty so I cleaned them. But then I turned the tv on and couldn't read the guide. All the wording was blurry. I just got this new prescription in January so it's not that I'm due to have my eyes checked. No. Somethings off and it's affecting my vision. Has this happened to anyone else and does it correct itself eventually? this is so weird.
Fibromyalgia causes blurred vision
This has happened to me this morning when I got up. I took a sumatriptan last night to hopefully reduce my migraine, which it started to do a bit, but all day today I've had blurred vision, double vision and felt like i had a sheet over my ears, they hurt so much. I too have had an eye test in April 2016. Won't be taking another one of these until I speak to my GP next week. My migraine has never affected my vision in any way so I don't believe it is down to that
I have glasses that I only have to wear when I work at night, mostly for eye strain, but more recently I have had the same blurred vision, and watery eyes when I try to focus on something for too long. I think it is the worst at night.
I had an eye test and they said my eyes are fine but i get the blurred vision too xx
I would talk to a pharmacist or doctor who prescribes your meds. One or more of them could contribute to the eye issues.
Vision Issues
Ibuprofen And Naproxen