Anyone Suffer From Painful Cracking/popping Or Sternum/ribs?
Recently I have started experiencing a cracking or popping of the sternum which afterwards is painful. Not something I have experienced before?
I have had my ribbs pop out of place three times now within 1 year first one happened in a epsom salt bath, second one happened at night, I went to the doctor both times. The absolutely worse one happened late morning and it just snapped hard took my breath away, got muscle spasms bad right after, could barely talk, made my way slowly to my meds thankfully I had pain and muscle relaxers, grabbed water and sat on the couch all day. I called my hubby still unable to speak during the muscle spasms not knowing if I need him to come home or just call an ambulance. So, I just waited it out. What I found out is sometimes when your in pain you tend to tense your muscles which caused this. I wish I could tell my body to stop tensing but if I could do that I wouldn't have Fibromyalgia.
My bones dislocate often. You may have arthritis.
I was diagnosed with costochondritis in March after 2months of on and off pain in my ribs right under my breasts. From March onwards I've had it everyday sometimes it flares really bad that I can't more my hand above my head. I have an appointment booked for a week on Wednesday to discuss it again as it's been so long and pain killers don't work and I have to limit how many I take anyway. Heat or ice help and little but as soon as removed it returns rapidly. Gels and lotions don't work for me. Hope you get some relief but I would always get things checked out with a Doctor just to be sure x
I've had them and still do just not as frequently as used to.
In beginning doctors said was pleurisy. After 2 months and several doctors finally got an answer. Same time was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.
Called it Costochondritis..
My sternum is feeling bruised 😥
Upper Back Pain
Anyone Get Chest Cracking When They Stretch, Ugh 😩