Does anyone else wake up with random bruises on legs, arms or anywhere...
I get them too if different spots. I wake up with them and then wonder how the heck I got them.
Yes and Dr put it down to all the drugs in taking are thinning my blood to the point that even a slight knock results in a huge bruises and blood clots
Check the medications you're taking. I'm on one that has a side effect, combined with nsaids that increases risk of bruising and bleeding. I was wondering why I was all bruised all the time! Also arnica gel or cream applied topically can reduce duration of bruising if you're self conscious of them 😃
I take plenty of iron and try to spend time with the sun that it gives me a tan to hide most of my bruises. plus I try to slow down and not bump into anyone or anything.
I've always bruised easily. Even as a teenager I would bruise easily. I don't think it's meds in my case
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