What Do You Do When You Don't "fit In" To Anybody's Lives Anymore?
I want to know what to do with my life now that I'm all alone because of the constant illness. I'm not sure where I fit when everybody I have ever known has moved on with their lives, they have gotten new friends that are more fun, healthy, and exciting, while I was just somebody who was constantly sick. No matter how good I have been to everyone the more sick I became, I saw others distancing themselves from me because they didn't want my sadness and sickness to bring them down. I hear I'm not… read more
I don't fit in anyone's life either, but I am ok with that. If they don't stand by you they were never truly your friend. I do everything alone, have for years and I'm perfectly happy with that. I find myself in nature as much as possible. I also go to the gym as much as I can to try to get stronger and overcome this beast. My doctor told me they have done a study. Exercise 5 minutes a day, when you feel like you can bump it up a minute or two. It has proven to help many. Turn to God. You are his child and there is a reason you are going through this. He has bigger and better things for you, trust in his plan even though you don't know what it is sending hugs and prayers to you my friend.
I'm sorry this has happened. I my self don't have really have friends either n u r not the first person to say this. I'm not sure but maybe u could find a support group in your area where u could meet some ppl in the same place as u. U could also look online for any local support groups. I had found one but then found out they don't do it anymore. I was disappointed. Just remember we r here for u 💜
Rely on family. Get new hobbies you can do alone. Find new friends with similar issues so you can cautiously do things together. Let go of those who don't have patience. Know that the illness is not your fault.
This is a shocker to me Lavvi. I, for a minute thought this was a about me! It's exactly how I'm feeling. Alone, no friends an family has distanced themselves bc of not wanting to be around me. Not that I totally blame them bc who really wants to be around a depressed lonely person that carries a black cloud around w/them? An it seems every time I get over one hurdle an think "ok, things are turning around....I've gotta grab this an run" it never fails something else happens an back to the "corner pity pot" I go. An not even that I want to but unless you've ever experienced "depression" you wouldn't be able to understand to a certain person's level. But, I just wanted to say "HI" to everyone here today an also.....wouldn't it be awesome/nice if we all were living close enough to be there for each other. We'd have a family within us an totally get what the other's feeling an dealing with. I would love that. Maybe I need to think about that an get out there an see if I would be able to build a group here in St. Louis, MO. Any ideals or help would be greatly appreciated. Have a great Sunday FIBRO-PEEP'S.
I found even before I was diagnoised and just had symptoms and was constantly feeling crummy some friends pulled away. I was lucky to slowly be able to find new friends who although don't have Fibro, have other things going on in their lives that keep them from being active. Somehow we manage to make time and support each other. Most are people I never thought I would befriend. I think it is a matter of finding a few people who understand on another level because they are struggling too.
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