Does Anyone Else Have Tremors With Fibromyalgia? I Have Been Having Siezure Like Tremors.
Yes, Ive been having tremors for quite a few years. I was diagnosed in 2001 with early stage. Looking back, the gradual symptoms of IBS, Migraines, Sleepless leg syndrom, tremors in hands now almost every morning. The stiffness and pain. It has become full force since 2014 october 31st, my last chemo tx.
I do. But I think its the meds. My hands shake any time I need them to be still. Writing eating putting on make-up. Its terrible
I was diagnosed with stress seizures. It is almost identical to a grand mal seizure, but it is my level of stress causes my brain to create seizure symptoms because it is in overload. They have been bad enough to throw me across the room. I have been sent to A& E on several occasions, but since the diagnosis and some therapy have been able to calm some of them down. I do suffer terrible tremors from the fibro and meds, but when I was / am at my worst, I can lose time and need a recovery period.
Yes I do. Have done since going back on amitriptyline for the second time, when it was stopped I when on propranolol with no help and now taking nothing for them. Some day or ok other really back
When I first get up in the morning I jerk in my hands, arms, I once dropped a cup of coffee I was jerking so hard. I don't do it all the time. Does any one else do that?
Anyone Ever Get Tremors?
Any One Get Stabbing In The Shoulder Joints Or Sharp In The Shoulders ? What About Stabbing In The Back ?
It Feels Good To Be To Lay On The Very Edge Of My Bed And Dangle My Arm And Leg Off The Bed And It Helps.