Does Anyone Have Eds And Or Hypomobility With There Fibromyalgia ?
does anyone have either syndrome
I was an excellent, *blush*, gymnast when I was young. Double jointed is what they throw away term is, but in reality, all my joints hyper-extend. Currently I have a brace on my left elbow because I tossed in bed so violently I think I even tested its limits. I was also a diver, dancer, swimmer, you name it, but gymnastics gave me the thrill. Now, my joints do things that they shouldn't. I have fallen arches because of it. The flexibility has caught up and the tendons are no longer holding things in place. My back is getting worse, my knees often go the wrong way, (backwards), if that makes sense. But, I did read this is pretty par for the course. On the flip side, others get trigger joints, so I think it is pot luck as to which you are prone to. For me, I think it has always been there and is just now more predominant. xx
I have been looking for others with EDS/hypermobility here to see if they have any experience with getting diagnosed because I think I've finally figured out how to tie together all my random symptoms. From what I've learned through reading about HM type EDS and talking to some friends who have it, not everyone with fibro has hypermobility or EDS but people with EDS/HM do end up being diagnosed with fibro a lot of times because the pain from the joints spreads to the trigger points.
I was diagnosed with EDS type 3 (Hypermobility) about 7 years ago. Diagnosed with fibromyalgia in September.
Yes, I have both. hEds and Fibro. As mentioned in an earlier message, the 2 disorders tend to overlap in a lot of ways, and prevalence of Fibro in people with hEds is pretty high, and vice versa. Both are largely disorders that are diagnosed through clinical diagnoses rather than certain blood tests, etc, as it's more a matter of exclusion of other possibilities and looking at a patients' medical history and symptoms.
I don't have that but I have seen some youtube videos about it.
Can Fibromyalgia Cause Hyper Mobility?
Hypermobility. Anyone Else?
Is There A List On What Research Is Being Carried Out On Fibromyalgia, CFS And Whether We Can Help In Any Way. Lobbying For Funding Etc.