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Your Everyday Fibro Symptoms

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Leland, NC

I'm putting together a list of symptoms for my husband so he can better understand what Fibro FEELS like to REAL people. What are your everyday symptoms like? How does it usually effect your day? Are you able to exercise and participate in everyday activities? Say as much or as little as you want but leave out personal stuff as I am going to cut and paste this (NO NAMES or Pics or other personal details I PROMISE, just text) so my hubby can read what y'all have to say. Do NOT answer if you are… read more

March 6, 2017 (edited)
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A MyFibroTeam Member

1. Hard to fall asleep or stay asleep. I can wake up several times each night.
2. Night sweats
3. Wake up feeling like i've had no sleep.
4. Stiff joints worse on waking. Pain and aches in various parts of the body. The pain moves and changes in intensity hour by hour.
5. Cold hands and feet. I'm really sensitive to cold temperatures.
6. Constant fatigue - it takes me 2hrs get up and I have about 2hrs per day when I don't feel like I'm about to drop off.
7.Walking into things, trips, dropping objects several times per day.
8.IBS symptoms
9. Lack of concentration/ short term memory loss.
10. Senstivity to noise and light especially in the evenings.
11. All symptoms worse in evening.
13.restless legs & arms
14. There are periods (sometimes months) of flare ups were everything is worse and i can rarely move from the bed the pain and fatigue are so bad.
15. I can never get comfortable. The weight of an arm resting on me can be too much. Sometimes my own head feels too heavy to hold. Can't sit or stand in same position too long.
16. Can't handle stressful things. It makes my symptoms so much worse.
17. Multiple joints pop and crack.
18. Difficulty winding down and relaxing.

I can't exercise in the traditional go to gym or take aerobics. If I made it through the class, I would spend the next week in bed in agony. I do 'light activity', walking and stretching as much as my body can allow.

March 7, 2017
A MyFibroTeam Member

Totally feel like you've been run over et over again by a truck. And exhausted to pt. hard to get out of bed most days.

March 6, 2017
A MyFibroTeam Member

1. Feel like someone has taken my energy away, like unplugging a computer, which just dies because the source of energy has gone. This makes me unable to function.

2. So tired during the day, difficult to accomplish everyday tasks.

3 Don't sleep well, takes ages to get off to sleep and still feel tired when I wake up.

4 My body hurts in all sorts of places for no apparent reason. When I haven't physically hurt myself.

5 Chest pains so bad it feels like I am having a heart attack. Back nerve pain that makes it hard to be comfortable.

6 My hands hurts and my feet feel like I am walking on severely bruised heels etc. Oh so painful.

7 Can't think properly, lose and misplace things. Embarrass myself in conversations by forgetting what I'm talking about.

8 I walk my dog twice a day but it can be tiring/painful.

9 I play bowls but this makes me tired also so I do have to think about how much I am doing.

10 Cannot sit in one place for long or stand for too long either as it causes pain.

11 Neck/shoulder pain need I continue.

March 6, 2017
A MyFibroTeam Member

Good days feel like your coming down with the flu. Ache all over. Feel feverish. Bad days feel like a truck ran you over a few times. Sound hurts. Sun burn but no burn. Nothing takes the pain away. Tired like you haven't slept in days.

March 6, 2017 (edited)
A MyFibroTeam Member

1. AM confusion ( Slow to wake up)
2. Tightening of the muscles and random aches (one day back, next day legs, feet, etc)
3. Very difficult to achieve a day of cleaning, making dinner, going to the grocery stores
4. Difficult for my body to wind down and actually relax, even if in a common position of comfort
5. Light sensitivity leading to a migraine creating a delay in daily goals
6. Usually have a PM fog that can last from 30mins to several hours (literally wandered around in the grocery store for hours forgetting or just fogged about the agenda)
7. Hugs or sometimes play touches from my partner, family or friends can really hurt and cause me to be aware of another "ache"
8. If I have not planned my entire day, sometimes hour by hour, I find that subconsciously I end up with a major mood swing, severe irritability with loud noises, ongoing conversations near me, but it's coming from the frustration of not feeling well and having so much to do at a snails pace.
9. Sweat very easily with the smallest tasks. My body feels like it's in overdrive for simple tasks like grabbing a few grocery bags.
10. I feel weakness often in the wrist, ankles, arms indefinitely, legs, and even my neck.
11. Body feels very heavy and exhausted

March 6, 2017

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