Elevated CPK Levels
Just received results from first round of labs that Rheumatologist ordered. My CPK remains elevated and has been for a year now! Vitamin D was also low yet again! Anybody else have both of these issues with their lab results??
The hypothyroidism would explain the elevated CPK results, although with having had the condition for so long I would expect them to test more frequently for this???
Yes to Vit D. CPK I have not been tested for but my naturopath has hinted that we need to check creatinine and check my thyroid so will be interested to see what comes back.
Do you have a thyroid issue? Or have you had a heart attack?
Yes, I take extra D every day.
Never heard of the CPK but have had issues with the Vit. D levels
Never heard of that. I'm at my rheum office now
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