. First, My Fibro Pain Just Like Deep Bruises Over My Scapula, Shoulders, Ribs, Just Lateral To Both Axcillary Areas, And Neck.
All of this sounds like common fibromyalgia symptoms related to flare-ups. I, too, feel like I have the flu, the pain is in all the areas you've named, and yes, it feels like a bruise, but worse. There is really nothing like it, except that I'm sure there are other diseases that are. I just haven't had them. When these pains come on the strongest, and you really feel like crap, the best thing to do, is rest comfortably, try to distract yourself with a bit of TV or music, or a book if you can - even better try to get some sleep, and eat lightly. Stay warm in a well ventilated room.
yes, I get a feeling a soreness in my ribs both sides.
Mine feels like i have flu like symtoms inside and its sore to the touch
I have that feeling too for the deep bruising. It is hard to tell someone it feels like a bruise but you don't have any signs of one.
Whoops set b4 done..above does anyone else have that deep bruise feeling and I'm experiencing plantar fasciitis pain..is this common with fibro?
Wondering If Anyone Has Experienced Pain In Upper Middle Back Between Shoulder Blades?
Left Scapula
Cervical Problem Or Fibromyalgia