I Am Not Sure If This Is A Question Or A Feeling Sorry For Myself Moment.
I had a friend give me massage treatments periodically
Well I had to cancel on her a few times because of not feeling well enough
I felt badly about doing that.
In the past I wud always go.
Well I just tried again to schedule one & she felt like if I cancelled again, I should pay her in full
For missing it.
I do understand that it creates a feeling of mistrust plus lack of that money.
But I feel badly because we were also friends.
I am not doing this deliberately to her.
I feel miserable that… read more
As a person who is becoming increasingly isolated, I highly value the friendships I still have and would do a lot to protect them. I'm wondering if you could work out a compromise ie not setting future appointments and calling her on the day you would feel well enough to attend the appointment to see if she has an opening that day. If she's just starting out and isn't booked solid, that may work for both of you. You may also want to.have a conversation about respectful communication. I wasn't certain from the info provided whether she spoke to you disrespectfully, or she set a boundary and hurt your feelings. Regardless, friends are a valuable commodity especially when you have something like Fibro. You can always get another massage therapist, but good friends are gold.
@A MyFibroTeam Member You just expressed the things I was going to say, ie: friendship & business(money) don't mix well, and her time is money for her. My daughter was a massage therapist & they don't make much, but a Chiropractor sure does. Your friend might just feel taken advantage of, or maybe not appreciated for her time she wanted to give to help you. I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, but it's best if you both communicate about this and clear the air, plus keep your friendship healthy. She can't really know how you feel, and how unexpected your symptoms can be. I hope it all works out for you. God bless.
Jagdish - I’m sorry if this is causing a rift in your friendship. I completely understand cancelling if you are having a bad day, I’ve had to do that to. As a former business owner though, I get where she is coming from too. If she is a lprofessional massage therapist, then Time is money to her. She set that time aside for you as a friend when she could have been working on someone else for a fee. I just cancelled my hair dresser three times in a row due to my shingles. I finally got in to see her last week and paid her double what she charged as an apology for previous missed appointments.
Sometimes it’s hard not to have hurt feelings when you feel like crap, I know exactly what that’s like. I’m a Libra and I really do try to see both sides.
I couldnt read all your comments because my eyes allergies and head pain, but i feel in the same way as you. so emotional in that kind of situations. I just try to brath deeply and not cry a lot because i feel worst; more sick..someteimes its just a matter of a talk but sometimes to let people go.
@A MyFibroTeam Member That is great news, I do hope you get together with her & have a nice talk.... and coffee. :D God bless. 😊
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