Fun Question Time- What Has Been Your Best Moments So Far This Year?
What has been your best moment so far this year? I think I have had quite a few great moments, but the best ones are when I am with my kiddos and not feeling like a failure or misfit due to my chronic pain. I think the best best moment was playing at the playground in the sun with my girls and laughing with my hubby. Hard to actually pinpoint this one, but let's see what you guys got. Have a great day! Gentle Hugs.
Moving near my daughter, grandson, and the ocean for my lung disease.
Celebrating 40yrs with my husband and flying south to paint w our grands. Visiting Newport,staying in hotels every wkend just a few of my blessed times.
Christmas in Oahu, (beach bum at heart)
40 years of marriage
7th grandchild (girl) born in July
Just a very few of my best moments!
Spending these last month with my daughter. She has been so busy we have not gotten to spend a lot of time together. She took a semester off school and has been so happy and re-energized. We have spent some great times together.
Waking up in hospital after a double hip replacement operation without any excruciating pain in my groins and being able to open my legs comfortably after almost ten years of it was truely amazing😊
It Seems That My Symptoms Are Worse When I Am Emotional. The Anniversary Of The Death Of My Beloved 21 Year Old Son Is On March 1st.
Does Anyone Have Issues With Body Temp?
Fibro Fog?