Do Others Feel There Is A Fibro And SIBO Connection Where Both Flare At The Same Time?
SIBO is small intestine bacterial overgrowth. It is when bacteria from your large intestine start living in your small intestine.
When I had SIBO, the direct cause was a parastomal hernia, the intestinal discomfort and the pain was horrible . When I got hernia repaired the SIBO was gone. (I do take two different probiotics to make sure it stays away.) While I don't think there are any direct causes or correlations, I do think having fibromyalgia did intensify the pain of the SIBO and hernia.
@Ffrobert. Thank you for telling me what it is. I have never heard of it.
what is SIBO?
Yes sometimes don't have energy to carry on a conversation even a short one
I have IBS-c and the cramping can cause horrible pain.
Does Anyone Else Get This Symptom, Before A Flare? A Wave-like Sensation, All Over, Like A Mild Electric Shock?
Ibos Test
Specific Area Flare Ups