Does Anyone Else Have Seizures Due To The Pain?
They come everytime I am in a flare up about every three weeks or less.
My husbands seizures are triggered when his pain goes on long enough and he cant get relief from them.
Yes. Plus exhaustion from pain. I was told non epiletic. Seizures. Only from my experience. I saw a specialist. I have pills to take when the seizures happen. What are you told to do. I really would like to know. Chat soon.
Does anyone have any trouble with your legs being week , burning up and hurting so bad you can't stand on them with out the use.of s cane. I went to a new doctor.and he told me I hade.all 18.points. but my.legs are the worst
My head is almost tie foe my legs.I have been getting sharp pain out of no where. Thy last about 1 or 2 min bUT it is the worse pain I have ever had.
Today was a bad day. Both legs are hurting plus feel like they are on fire from within. Don't know how much I can take.
I was told by the er doctors that it is because I am depress. All I know is when I think I can't take any more pain I have one. The doctors at the er see I am not epileptic so I am patted on my head and sent home. I just lost my job because of them. My boss said I was a risk. Not sure what I am going to do now
Does Any One Have Achy Hands?
Is Anyone Else Here Struggling Due To Covid 19 Not Being Able To Have Holistic Treatments And Physio?
Cell Phones Making Flares Worse!