Has Anyone Tried Acupuncture For Fibromyalgia. Does It Work. Would Love To Hear Your Experience.
Five point Auricular acupuncture helped me to relax and gave a better sleep xx
heidibrosford that’s scary! My orthopedic recommended acupuncture but I haven’t done it!
I love acupuncture! It relaxes me and if I have a specific pain, she really helps me. I have been going for almost 2 years.
Personally, it was the worst idea I've ever had to try acupunctor. I was so consummed with burnimg pain all over my body that I was parallized on the table, unable to speak up or move.
And it sent me in an unpresidented flare up.
Bad Flair Up After Acupuncture
Do Anyone Do Accupuncture To Help Your Fibro?
Has Anyone Used Acupuncture? How Effective Is It?