Have You Try A Low Calorie Diet To Avoid Flairs?
I am in a 1200 calories per day and i am doing good . I haven’t got a flair for at least 4 to 6 weeks. Beside that you will lose a lot of weight
Tigre, that's amazing and I wish I had that kind of strength to do that. I do believe that some of the junk that we eat does actually influence our pain levels. Years ago a friend of mine told me that certain plants are referred to as "nightshade plants were bad for pain and unfortunately, these are veggies that I love and that are included in most of the food we eat. Due to my excess weight, I'm avoiding bread for a month to see if that makes a difference and actually watching my caloric intake. My intake at this point is at 1500 a day and so far I'm not doing too badly. Drinking plenty of water (which is like torture to me because I hate it) and low-calorie things without aspartame or artificial sweeteners and I've gone back to using real sugar.
Here's an article below.
But you have done a great job dear @A MyFibroTeam Member. It's always better not to be too heavy for your health. I'm so sorry it did'nt help to reduse the pain. I was much lighter and had much pain. I'm now heavier and I get issues with my cholesterol so better to loose weight. But not to eat bread I find it hard. For me it will be enough to not eat sweets becouse that's my trap. 💪💪💪
I lost 23 lbs in the last year and it made no difference in my pain level. I so wish it had, but it was a hard year emotionally.
It's probably more about what you are choosing to eat and not eat, rather than the lower calories.. heavier foods (meat/potatoes) mean the body has to work harder to digest. Reducing sugar and dairy usually help with pain, and less coffee/alcohol as well.
If you are active 1200 a day is really really low. Active male should have 2000 calories a day. Personally I am working on loosing another 25 lbs and shoot for 1300 to 1500 calories a day depending on if I walk 2 miles or not.
Doesn't look like you need to loose much and pain and lethargy can begin to be worse with a lack of fuel. I worked in a spa and set up weight routines and taught aerobics classes and instructed other instructors in my 20's.
I hope you will shoot for just a bit more my friend. Especially working full time.
I am not doing ANYTHING at the moment. Just walking once a day if that. God bless Tigre
It is amazing how much WHAT you eat effects us.
I am on high protein with veggies (low starch not much potatoes or corn) just the boost in my protein levels helped me loose weight and feel better. I have close to 100g a day of protein. Minimum 50g just to barely squeek by.
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