What I Experienced Yesterday A Flair Up .??? Is There A Chance I'm Getting Something Else.?? This Is Crazy Not Knowing .
Yesterday I got up and felt pretty good last nite I drove over to Miliken and took my daughter and granddaughter to her gymnastics meet. It was to showcase what they learned.I stood for awhile .I got a new kitty as she was a gift from my best friend. Last nite I didn't sleep most of the nite. She kept meowing all nite.Its a new place so I figured that would happen. This morning I crawled out and within an hour I had severe stomach cramps , it took awhile but the cramps were never-ending then… read more
You could have an intestinal virus. We humans do pick these up easily from being in crowds, around children or animals. But what the others said is also true. There is no treatment for a virus except rest and fluids, but it would be nice to find out if that's what it is. Otherwise, getting a diagnosis of IBS also requires a diagnosis from a gastroentrologist. There are things that can help. I have it but found the meds too intense for me. Good luck.
Im not a Dr. So please use this as, a suggestion; from another fybromyalgia sufferer. It sounds like IBS. Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 1 of the many illnesses, under the umbrella of fybromyalgia. These illnesses start at all diff times. If its the first time, and lasts more than 24 hrs. You should see a stomach Dr. And you have my sympathy. Ive had IBS since college.
If you don't get a proper amount of sleep, your body doesn't have time to rejuvenate. Sleep aids help. I sat and wrote the over 60 symptoms of Fibro so I would better understand myself. That's when I realized how much Fibro reeks havoc on your body. Stomach cramps a nd Gi problems are all symptoms. If you have diarrhea with it, then you need to decide when and if you need medical attention. Good luck
Irritable bowel syndrome and yes It is part of the fibro and there are medications but O get sick of taking pill after pill!
Could be a flare, possibly the fibro. I had similar symptoms before Christmas last year and let it go for 3 weeks before I went to hospital. My gastroenterologist said that I shouldn't have gone any longer than 48 hours before seeking help from him or the hospital. I was hospitalized with C-diffile infection. Seek help ASAP
I Need Advice On The Severe Leg Pain That I Experiencing. Injections In The Back For Leg Pain? Tramadol & Hydrocodone Together?
I Don't Know What Is Going On. It's Scary.
Change In Your Fibro Symptoms