Has Anyone Tried ADD Or ADHD Meds To Help Fight Fatigue?
Absolutely. Adderall & Concerta have been a lifesaver for me. But, I also do have adult ADD, was diagnosed 13 years ago. I’m sure I had it as a child, too, but back in the 70’s, they didn’t test kids & definitely didn’t medicate them. Idk what I’d do w out my ADD meds, not only to help my ADD but it gives me sustained energy throughout the day. I used to nap all the time & since I’ve been on it, I noticed most days I don’t even need a nap. There are some days that I still do but it all depends on what I’ve done that day...💔🖤
Yes, I am on Nuvigil which does not have a stimulant in it to make you jittery! At first I was up almost 48 hours but did not feel funny. Just had to get used to them. Have been on them for over 3 years and gradually had to increase in MGS but it has saved my life! I was literally falling asleep driving to work!!
Yes it helps the fatigue but finding a doc that will prescribe for fibro is hard
My friend in ky...
Does Anyone Else Have Fatigue As Their Primary Symptom With Fibro?