How Do You Get By During Summer?
I saw a question regarding summer and I was so relieved to see that I am not the only one who feels their flare ups/symptoms get worse during the summer... But I was wondering does anyone have tips on how to get by during these hot months?
I dont know if anyone also expriences this but I always feel like I am a walking oven, but at least during winter I can ignore it since the cold weather helps ease that. During summer however not even the AC on full blasts really helps. My pains become way… read more
I am the opposite. Summer I feel better
I am the opposite. Summer is kinder to my body and I have far fewer flares. But come the changes in temperature and I'll be in misery (body wise) again. And I live on coastal New England. Horrid!
When my body heat starts going up a cold wet towel wrapped up & placed around my neck. Cools me right down. Ice pack will help u also.
Keep a diary of your days of pain. Write down the weather for that day, what you ate, what activities did you do, your mood, stressers for that day, and if you had a good day document that to. After a month you will see what sets off the pain the most. I know my pain is set off with the weather pressures. The storm can be a 100 miles away and yet I feel it like its on top of me. Food wise I saw that dairy products, caffeine and some dyes in my food caused me more pain. It we will give you an idea of what to avoid. Air conditioning is hard on my pain so I have it set at 75 and I use fans to help with cooling down. Let me know how it goes.
I get pain regardless what condition the weather is. I went to Rhodes this year and I was still in pain"(
If You've Been To The Mayo Fibro Clinic In Rochester, MN. I'd Like To Hear About It. I Am Set To Go In June, Am Hoping It Is Worth It.
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