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Extremely Sore Backs Of Hands, Veins In Forearms Feel Like There On Fire.

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Kildare, IE

Ok first of all, the back of your hands (opposite side of your palms) is probably the most painful part of my body, you could flick them and it feels like someone it's cracking a whip off them and tearing the flesh off of them is this fibro related? Any ideas on how to help this beside padded gloves?

Also does anyone experience bulging veins in the forearms and feel like the brimestone of hell is flowing through them, extreme bulging mind you, as if you had done a work out and veins bulging.

August 18, 2018
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A MyFibroTeam Member

This should help:

This made me realize I wasnt going bat- πŸ’© crazy. This is a list of all the crazy fibro symptoms described by people with Fibro/CFS

August 19, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

Couldn't imagine having to deal with it at night, it's not really a solution but I usually make a sling and have my hand resting around my heart area, helps ease the burning sensation but not the other pain sensation I get (bit hard to describe it). It doesn't help the veins go down or help make it go away but it helps with the burning.

August 20, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

I'm on the last painkiller I can take, as all other have failed, I'm currently on pregabalin and that's a nueropathic medicine but it doesn't help what so ever, when I was first told it was fibro (I was 16 ) they put me on ixprim, 75mg 4 times a day, it's tramadol with a mix of other stuff, It didn't help and I had to take 3 at a time, I know it's bad to take more than prescribed but that was 112.5 mg of tramdol 4 times a day and it still didn't help, ever since then they put me on new meds that we're nowhere near as strong as that so I kinda feel like the docs are going backwards, I'm coming off the preg this week as I'm going back to my doc and that means I won't have any pain relief, to be honest though I'd rather take no pain meds than destroy my liver with meds that don't work,it's hard but I'm use to it at this stage.

August 18, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

Yes I also get the burning, throbbing pain in my hands!! Hurts like hell and usually for me is the worst at night!!! It feels like my veins are going to burst!

August 20, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

@A MyFibroTeam Member thank you for the link I've just read threw it,our funny sensations are on thereπŸ™.seems like we're not the only ones after all xx

August 20, 2018 (edited)

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