I Am Experiencing Itching In My Torso Area. I'm Not For Sure If It Is The Fibromyalgia Or Neuropathy Or What. Anyone Else Have This?
The reason I asked about a rash was because I developed itchiness and small bumps a couple years ago. A biopsy was taken of one of the bumps and it was lichen planus. It's an autoimmune-type rash that develops in the spring and pesters me all summer long until the weather cools. I've used topical steroid creams on the bumps until it becomes too cumbersome to treat and then I use a topical steroid spray all over my body ;-) However, having poison ivy for the first time a couple weeks ago, my doctor recommended using the topical steroid cream, Aveeno bath (which is made out of oatmeal), using Zantac in the morning and Benadryl at night. Zantac is an anti-heartburn medicine but was found to be an effective anti-itch medicine that doesn't make a person sleepy like Benadryl. Of course, check with your doctor to see if the itching isn't caused as a side effect of some other medication or a reaction to new clothes (wash before wearing to remove fabrication residue)/laundry detergents, softeners or fabric sheets (we use very little HE detergent in our new washing machine and often have to re-rinse multiple times) in addition to diet, stress, etc. Feel better soon.
Not trying to beat a dead horse but this appeared from healthiculture answering "What Causes Fibromyalgia Itch and Rash?" http://healthiculture.com/fibromyalgiaitch/
While reading through my medication handouts, I discovered that almost all of my prescription medications have the side effect “itching.” Look closely at even the lesser common side effects of your medications too. Who knew that itching could be attributable to prescription NSID’s (Naproxen)?
Yip! I go through stages of intense itchiness! Usually its on my torso, arms or legs. Infact almost anywhere now that i think about it. Lol. Dont always have a rash but it often feels hot to the touch where im itchy. Sometimes my neck and chest go red and rashy and really itchy, dont know what its from but have noticed it usually happens before my pain flares. I often put body lotion or a cold flannel on my itchy skin which seems to help.
I get the itches in my hands. It so deep that I want to rip into my hands! I found that running cool water over them helps. Not sure how I would deal with it in my torso.
Tingling And Strange Sensations
Body Involuntarily Twitches Or Jerks
Burning Itchy Scalp