Do Vibrations Make You Ach? Do Gel Nails Make Your Hands Hurt?
My husband loves his base loud with his music and when i get out after a loud drive all my body tingles and feels like i fell down a flight of stairs. Anyone else have this experence? Also i got my first set of gel nails and my hands hurt so bad and my arms feel drained of energy. Any input is welcm and appreciated.
You are so thankful when you find someone else who has your symptoms. It means you are NOT CRAZY.
Uh...yep. My uncle treated us all to a concert, front row seats. I took earplugs but it didn't help. Practiced gracious smile for days. Think it was plastered on my face in semi-shock for weeks 😂😂🤣🤣 This fibro drama queen thought she was going to die right there, full view of band, and not in a swoony love-you-so-much band kind of way. Noooo in a you-are-killing-me-dead-right-here-with-that-godaawful-noize!!!!!
Then turn and smile at family and move head to beat of music! Fake it 'til you make it situation, then say no next time. 🤪
Vibrations yes. Gel nails idk?
I hate loud music or any loud background noise!! My husband loves his music and always has and I loved to dance and sing all my life! But now with fibro, I’d just like to scream when things are blaring, even the tv and my husband just doesn’t get it or doesn’t care!! We used to go to concerts all the time pre-surgeries but after getting fibro, I used to tell him to go and enjoy! Unfortunately now, we aren’t near the friends he used to go with so I usually go and put my fake smile on!! I only go cause I feel bad for him and he misses out on enough because of me so I know this is one thing he loves to do. If I am in a flare up and can’t go, he can see why but most times I try to push through! Omg as for the gel nails, I’m so glad you mentioned it!! Although I haven’t had gel nails put on, I even find when I wear nail polish, my nails hurt and when I take it off, it hurts for days! This is so crazy but my toe nails are the same, it’s almost like they can’t breath!! I’m in a panic cause my son is getting married in June so I want to start taking care of my nails now, so that I won’t need fake nails!! But even the thought of putting on stuff (can’t think of the word of course) to keep my nails hard so they won’t break, sends me into a bit of a panic for the added pain I don’t need! Maybe I’ll just have to give in and have gel nails put on for the wedding! Thanks for posting this, I feel a little more normal now! Lol
Yes when we go camping in our fifth wheel hubby can walk across floor and the mild shaking will bother me he thinks I’m crazy but he will try to walk softer next time
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