Vibration Buzzing Feeling
Does anyone feel a buzzing or vibration feeling throughout their body? Mine moves around. It's happening on my left ankle now.
I get this on the bottom of my left foot almost every day for a few minutes a day. It's so annoying!
Yes, hands and feet. Usually runs down them. It’s a hard feeling to explain. For me it almost feels like my bones are vibrating or humming. Like w currrent of electricity humming through my body. It’s very uncomfortable and makes me want to wriggle out of my skin
Yes, I get a buzzing in my hands and feet along with a burning sensation. Very unpleasant.
Yesssss, definitely. It comes and goes. It affects my legs and my feet and drives me crazy, especially when I’m trying to sleep. Thought it was restless leg syndrome. I know it’s just another symptom of fibromyalgia. Wish I had known this before I spent so much money on podiatrists 😊
I get that randomly sometimes.
Shaking/vibrating Feeling
My Body Sometimes Vibrates - Similar To The Feeling When I Have Stayed Up All Night Before Fibro. It’s Debilitating.