Chest And Armpit Pain
does anyone else get chest pain or feel like the centre of their chest is bruised when they press on it?? also have like achey muscles around my armpits and had sharp pain in my armpits a few weeks ago!! i've been to the doctors so many times with so many different symptoms over the past 8 months that they just brush me off and tell me there's nothing wrong. had blood tests, paid for a private brain MRI as they wouldn't give me one, all normal. they won't diagnose me but i have all the symptoms… read more
I struggled to get diagnosed but I bought this book on Fibromyalgia, highlighted all my symptoms and showed my doctor. Plus I told them that the fact I wasn't being taken seriously was affecting my mental health. Eventually I got diagnosed but it was a struggle 😫 xx I hope you Eventually get taken seriously xx ask them to refer you to a rheumatologist as they are the ones that usually diagnose you for Fibromyalgia
I do, and have for years now. It has been painful, annoying, embarrassing, depressing, disgusting, and overwhelming. The only thing that brings relief are consistent massage, warm aqua therapy with as many jet propellants as possible.
I get the sharp pains and the pain in my arm pits, not all the time, thank goodness. I also have had TMJ for years, head pain that makes me roll around the bed in agony (thank god for diazepam when it gets too much, so that I can sleep until the pain subsides) my memory is shocking, only yesterday I doubled up on tablets as I had forgotten that I had taken them, even though I have a set routine on how to take them, wow talk about feel unwell and dizzy but I didnt want to ring docs as they make me feel stupid as it is, or that I'm a pain and taking up their time! I am single and before I split with my partner, as he was a control freak, he turned around and told me that no one else would put up with me with all the issues that I have! Maybe he's right, I'm struggling, from the outside I look normal, I don't look my age, people compliment me on my looks yet I have no confidence in myself whatsoever! I fight these feelings every day and have days where I think being single isnt too bad, I pretend to people that I dont mind but I do! I'm flippin lonely!!!! Hey ho, I will keep smiling as I have Grandchildren that make me keep smiling and I will keep trying to fight these feelings because of them, they keep me strong! xx
IBS &TMJ are symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Google Dr. Jacob Tietlebaum, he has written multiple books on Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. I work with Dr Loya in PA he taught her his treatments to. He also has a website with a list of Dr's he has trained.
We did a lot of lab work to find out what treatment I needed and I have done so much better.
Yes, always. I also get pain right under the breasts/ribs on each side and anything such as osteoarthritis etc., that we get is magnified with pain. The doctor will say, "It is just a little arthritis." I will think, have my body and then tell me that.
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