Anyone Live Near Raleigh,NC Who Has Received Social Security?
I finally have a hearing date for June!! Anyone live near Raleigh who has been through the process? How did you fare? I'm using a lawyer from the advocator group.
I live in Wake Forest, but have not had to go through that process. I was pleased with the manner in which my case was handled. I am glad you have a lawyer. That should help. I pray that you get your benifits. All the stress is terrible for Fibro, I think the only thing worse for me is the constant atmospheric changes caused by the weather. Good luck Friend.
I agree, Andre
Medical Documentation is the key factor regarding the SSA. Get as much documentation as you can from your PCP & all Specialists. I completed the application along with all supporting medical documentation, which was a tedious ordeal.
I went to apply at social security they toke all my information. About all my doctors and then I had to go to a social security doctor. So I got approved my first time I got a lawyer but thank God I didn't need the lawyer.
I live in Durham NC now but I applied for soc security disability when I lived in Houston, TX. I applied myself and did not use a lawyer but I had the advantage of being a physician, had gathered and sent key pieces of my own medical record and I had a pain management doctor at that time who wrote a very supportive letter on my behalf after he had surgically placed a sacral spinal cord stimulator and it didn’t help. But I also applied under the medical diagnosis of pudendal nerve compression (causing pelvic pain) which in a surgical operative note it stated that my nerves were found to be compressed. I think that all helped me be granted disability benefits the first time I applied. I am sure it is harder to get approved sadly for fibro because of the lack of a definitive positive test still! The FM/a cytokine test hasn’t panned out as conclusive for fibro and the company got sued and most insurances won’t cover the $1000 test. So very unfortunately, a lot of it is whether the social security examiner believes in fibro or is dismissive of it. I hope very much you get a well educated and empathetic examiner that understands your test results are going to be overall normal but that you are very tender on physical exam and you emphasize how your symptoms fit with fibromyalgia and how much they are impacting your functioning! Best of luck and I hope very much that the hearing goes your way 💞
A good 'Tool' is a "Functional Capacity Report" via a Doc which details what you are NOT able to DO, RELIABLY (this can't hold a steady job)... contact me backchannel for assist mrst2222@ .... gmail ....... I'll be glad to try to help (have been an Advocate for over 3 Decades).
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