Does Anybody Have Jerking Experience Sensation When Sleeping
For the past couple of of years I have been experiencing jerking sensation. It normally happens when I settle down to sleep😴it happens in various parts of my body such as my legs arms ur even the hole of my body.
It's happen twice on separate occasions in my legs were I have been standing still and my leg as shaken uncontrollably.
Just wondering if this is a new fybromayalgia experience. 🤔💐❤️
I say my Thank You father in prayers as I fall asleep and as I wake up. And learned from my o.t. hubby and cardiac specilist that if you eat a tiny snack that is high in potassium and a glass of coconut milk before bed is reduces the intensity or stops them
A hypnagogic jerk is an involuntary muscle spasm that occurs as a person is drifting off to sleep. The phenomenon is so named in reference to the hypnagogic state — the transitional period between wakefulness and sleep. Hypnagogic jerks, are also commonly known as hypnic jerks or sleep starts.
You may have the shingles again because I looked at my grandma's on her head and that is what it looks like
I experience this, as well as nerve zaps. Especially my left uppet arm will twitch, and have extremely painful throbs. 🙏One day, one moment at a time... 💖
Yes I get it a lot especially when I'm feeling tired my whole body starts jumping. I'm glad I'm not the only one that it effects as u start to think that there is something really wrong with u.
Jerking Sensation In Head
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