Has Anyone Experienced Joint Dislocation Or Subluxation With Their Fibromyalgia?
I have dislocated some when I was young, but it's gotten a lot worse lately. If so did anything help you to not dislocate?
Yep my hips bob out of the joints while I walk and I have issues with the joints in my hands
I see a chiropractor 1 a week.
Thanks, EDS has crossed my path but no diagnosis...Dr's are under-equipped to look outside of their web MD list to see that symptoms are more than a checkbox...especially with a body that is already off-kilter with fibromyalgia...from what I can find the only disease that has frequent dislocations is Ehlers Danlos...maybe oneday well all have concrete answers...heres hoping
Maybe a chiropractor,massage therapist,orphysiotherapist could help ease your pain. Joints
popping out of place is not part of fibro that I know of.it is more of a laxity of the supportive tissues around joints. Ehlos danos syndrome or hypermobility of joints is more likely . Just another disease that piggy backs with fibro. Sorry you have to deal with this too
Has Any One Tryed Genetic Testing: 23 And Me?
I Have What I Call "slipping" In Some Of My Joints - Primarily Ankles, Sometimes Hips -feels Like They Give Out A Little. Anyone Else?
Fibro, Hypermobility And Severe Pain In Ribs