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Itchy Rash On Face, New Sympton Of Fibro Of Meds Side Effect?

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
Stockport, UK

My doc says it was a new moisturiser i used, but still got the rash two weeks later after treatment. Also started propranalol (anxiety meds) at same time, but doc says its very rare to get a rash from these.

April 8, 2019
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A MyFibroTeam Member

I get itchy areas on my face just out of the blue. I now know that I have become hyper sensitive to almost everything. So it may still be an effectively of the moisturizer, because it does soak in. Or a towel or pillow case?
I've been using propranolol for a few years, as and when I need then now. Absolutely no side effects, apart from feeling calmer 🙂
They have been my constant medication for anxiety and stressful times. I prefer them over antidepressants because they can be taken when you need them and work when you need them. Propranolol do not take weeks to be effective.
My red itchy patches on my face do go away. I use E45 non perfumed moisturiser, and occasionally a charcoal based face mask.
Also my skin can flare up due to something I ate!
Good luck and be gentle on yourself. 🌹

April 8, 2019
A MyFibroTeam Member

Please evrtyone stop eating barley, wheat n rye n also lactose products. I have not had these for years n have no itching . For some reason food sensitivities are a major cause of problems. Feel better today. Got intravenous vitamin supplementation

October 2, 2019
A MyFibroTeam Member

I start having itchiness on my cheeks out of the blue. I haven't worn any makeup since the Covid 19 started up. Now after reading your posts I can assume it is the Fibro. I don't get a rash just the itchiness. It has been a tough couple months with the Fibro. Getting alot of flareups. I am sensitive to the barometer. If it drops below 30 it seems to set me off. Not to mention the rain and storms.Hope my insights can help the other warriors out there suffering with this disease. Hang in there. Be Strong!

September 17, 2020
A MyFibroTeam Member

same here the itching gets intense on my face. And sunscreen seems to make it worse. I think I should live like a vampire and only come out at night when sunscreen isn't needed

July 2, 2021
A MyFibroTeam Member

Thank you every one for sharing . I had a itchy head for days and my Dr fluffed it off. Now I have a rash on my back that she said I don’t know what it is ? Lol
I looked it up Fibro rash’s on a health site and it was had the picture and symptoms bang on. I sent her the information, seeing her tomorrow to discuss.

I not bashing her for she been a god send to me but she doesn’t have the insight. Even my specialist sent me diagnosed me and sent me off with no information at all.

Just found this site and joined , I realized just now I’ve been in denial. This is an awakening for me

June 14, 2020

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