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Itchy But Numb?

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
South Delta

Its not uncommon for me to go through itchy phases - just generalized itchiness, & unfortunately I do suffer from numbness in my hands & arms. The numbness has its moments where it's accompanied with pain but I have a new symptom. Would like to know if anyone out there also experiences it. I have been quite itchy on my left side torso around to my tummy. It's the kind of prickly itch that you just have to scratch. I realized today, that the same area is numbish. Odd that it can have reduced… read more

August 15, 2019
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A MyFibroTeam Member

I have what you describe, the numbness and pricklies and the itch you have to scratch. Showering and using a gentle washcloth and non perfumed soap or oatmeal based lotions in the shower help. Outside of showering, calamine lotion helps, me as does pure aloe Vera and if it's extremely bad then taking an oral one day dose of an OTC antihistamine. The place in particular that I have reduced feeling with the itching is in my thumbs. Not a single medical professional has identified it but I strongly suspect it's peripheral neuropathy and the state is a precursor to worsening symptoms. Sometimes medical descriptors jump over the incremental stages and describe the end result so the stage or phase we experience isn't "captured" in the summaries and then doesn't get validated or documented.

August 15, 2019 (edited)
A MyFibroTeam Member

Since birth I've had itching scratching swelling pain hot cold every scenario..I have it ..its torture still as nothing has ever stopped it or prevented it, I was told its urticaria nd given allergy tablets ..I get every aspect of this inc..itching, swelling, hives, redness, hot skin feeling, swollen lips eyelids ..cold instigates it heat instigates it certain fabrics nd materials instigates it even wearing neat fitting like bras,shoes,socks carrying shoulder bag or wearing belts pressure or weight instigates this. It's been so bad doc put me on steroids a few times ...this "itch" has been driving me mad over 50+ years then there's my fibro ...I itch were I've no sensation just numbness, by god I feel the itch fae ma head to my toes it has no preference ass back crack..I kid u not!! the phantom invisible itch nd the creepy crawly sensation the underneath the skin scalp feet nd last of all the unreachable nd the unladylike. I say all of this ,not to moan or complain but to others who can relate ...I feel your pain ..u r not crazy ..u r not alone its not ure imagination..its affected how I live my life on a daily basis...I just really wish I didn't have finger nails like paper...totally good 2 no its not just me who itchies nd scratches on numbness. There again I don't even have reflexes! The heat nd cold indoors or sunshine nd rain outside, temperature is a factor they say, as is dry skin conditions or certain foods...dust, pollen, pets etc list is endless...meds will help tho nd modern techniques... in the 60s/70s my mother was told by doctor to keep putting me in a cold bath then hot bath till it stopped itching...NOT recommended in todays world of medicine lol thanks for letting me rant, I hope it helps 2 no u r not alone..goodnite, godbless u allπŸ™Œ

November 3, 2022
A MyFibroTeam Member

I know I have itchy moments way more than say a non fibro person would. The numbness, & creepy crawly feeling...yeah, I was blessed with that when most of my symptoms became much worse-right after the birth of my son. This was long before the Fibro diagnosis. First was hand & forearm pain, then a hot sensation in my hands particularly my left hand. After weeks of a hot sensation, then cold, like my hands were outside in freezing temps...they weren't necessarily cold to the touch, but the sensation was that they were. Then numbness & lastly, one evening as I was sitting, I freaked cuz I felt a spider crawl across the back of my left hand. I was shocked when I saw nothing there. I did see a Neurologist who did tests & found I did have numbness even into my arms. I think this is all pretty common with F along with the itchyness. With any chronic condition, its difficult in that with the laundry list of symptoms, when do you know to see the doc? When do you know what's a F symptom & what isn't?

June 30, 2020
A MyFibroTeam Member

Wow, I just thought I was losing my mind. I don't get really bad itchiness but occasionally I do at night on my back where I can't reach so I have to keep us scratching thing in my nightstand drawer. I have sensations of bugs crawling on me frequently or single raindrops falling on me... the raindrops are odd because if I'm outside I'll look around to see if it's raining or if anyone else is feeling water. Sometimes I'll ask my husband if it's raining or is it about to rain and he looks at me like I'm crazy. I do get that numbing feeling. I hate it.

October 2, 2019
A MyFibroTeam Member

I get the feeling like something is crawling or landing on my skin but there is nothing there. I also have itchy spots with no bites that I have scratched to rawness. Mine just pop up anywhere then itch so bad I can scratch them raw then go away. I have been fortunate that they only last a day or two. Long enough to make sores which is dangerous for me. I am also a diabetic.
I bought anti itch cream to help with the itching and take Lyrica which might help since it is for neuropathy. Just another fibro fun game to play: The Itchy-Scratchy Game! ;)

October 2, 2019

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