Has Anyone Charted Their Symptoms By The Hour
Has anyone charted their symptoms such as muscular tension and pain and joint inflammation/discomfort, body temperature and blood pressure? I'd like to find a template to do so HOURLY as well as a recommendation for best weather site for significant data such as barometric pressure, wind speed, temperature, and humidity and suggestions as to any additional criteria to measure.
Today there is an article about how the human body hasn't been at 98.6 on average since approximately the Civil War⦠read more
Weather channel app will have that info
I also have a lower normal temperature. If I have a temp of 99 I have a fever.
I understand your idea of tracking your symptoms but hourly may be hard to do and will probably be exhausting. Maybe try for 3 or 4 times a day at least till you know if there is a difference. Then you can just track the area of the day where there is most difference. Saves you a lot of time and energy. I never did that. My mother used to say I was lazy but I suspect that I had fibro as a child and just didn't have enough energy to do all she wanted me to. Life wears me out.
I think there may be apps available for smartphones that can do some of that tracking. I'm really not sure; I quit tracking things on that level years ago and now only note new symptoms (on my phone calendar) so I can refer back to them over time. I try hard to not focus on my symptoms actually, a mind over matter approach, otherwise I start feeling "all consumed" by what's bothering me. Best of luck to you.
My temperature runs low and then out of the blue I can go up to 100. My thermostats is so haywire. I also have very low blood pressure. My pulse runs very fast in the high 80 to 90. Each day is a surprise.
When I was forced into disability I tracked my migraines throughout the day and it was exhausting. I don't think I could do it hourly. However, I think daily journals could work just as well. Jus register any changes and the time. I preferred blank lined journals because it also allowed me to vent or reflect if needed. Good luck!
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