Aware Of The Link Between Coronavirus And Mental Illness And That As Of Today It Qualifies Us For Booster Shots In The USA?
The CDC today, November 17, 2021 has added mental health diagnosis to qualify for coronavirus booster shots. People with mental health illnesses are at a significantly higher risk of getting covid, becoming more seriously ill with covid and dying from covid.
This link is to an audio version of the news from National Public Radio and you can simply press on the button in the link and listen to it.
And remember, any added layer of protection helps the people that surround you; your family, your… read more
I heard something about getting an antibodies shot. I'm not sure about all that.
Interesting that they have found a link between Covid Delta Strain and Mental illness.
In Australia you qualify for a Booster Shot after Six Months after you have had your Second Covid Vaccine Shot, People who are prioritized are the Elderly and those in Nursing Homes and those who have a Disability, Fibromyalgia is a disability therefore hopefully in Six Months time my husband and I can get a Booster Shot different from the two AstraZeneca Vaccine Jabs we have already had.
In Australia they give you a different Vaccine than what you have had.
Every Country has different Rules and Regulations concerning Booster Shots. 🙂🎄
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