Feeling Of Tiny Needles And Pricking Sensation In Random Places?
Anyone get this needle / pricking sensation in parts of their fingers, toes, or sometimes random areas? I am not diabetic. Just curious if its normal FM symptoms. I’m already on 900 mg Gabapentin.
Yes! I have an appointment to get a nerve test. They stick pins in you to see if you scream I guess lol. If you don’t scream I think it means that you have lost sensation in your nerves. I have neuropathy mostly in my feet. I also take gabapentin. I heard we need vitamin B. Pins and needles are common with fibro.🥲
Regarding exercise. I used to walk 45 min X3 times a day.
For fybro-My doctor said that cardio would help me out. I said to the doctor. I cannot even get out of bed to get dressed.
I would suggest small stretching like 1 min a few times a day. and if you can do 2 min of exercise a few time a day that is good. I do about 3 min of exercise a few times a day.
I do the best I can every day. Upsets me when doctors have no idea what it is like to live every second of the day with fybro . Just do your best every day. Christine.
Oh my yes.
Also random sharp pains.
Yes, frequently.
Yes, I get them all over..
Amatsu Therapy
What Meds Can I Take To Combat Fatigue?
Does Anyone Else Get Pain Like Someone Is Sticking A Pin In You