Has Anyone Found A Treatment For The Fatigue That Helps?
Nothing really, except sleep. And more sleep. Have tried so many supplements to no avail. Caffeine helps me get to through the day.
Hope you find something that works for you. And if so please share!❤️
Yes for me Ritalin immediate release works well but I got lucky and have an understanding and fibro aware psychiatrist who prescribes it for me. Within 30 to 45 min of taking 10 to 15 mg, I feel a lot better energy wise and feel motivated and able to get things done I need to get done. I do not have ADHD or any fibro fog. I don’t take Ritalin every day by any means and reserve it for when I really need it so I have no tolerance problems (same dose works well and I’ve had it to use for over 6 months). The only side effect I notice is more likelihood to get a headache later in the day. But sadly, just like opioids are usually denied to fibro patients, stimulants often are as well because of a doctor and societal attitude that addiction will follow. It hasn’t for me at all. If your doctors won’t consider Ritalin or adderall, ask about provigil or nuvigil (long acting milder stimulants). Just know they can lower effectiveness of birth control pills.
Hello Everyone, Has Anyone Found Anything That Might Help With Fatigue?
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