Anyone Else Get Electric Shock Feeling?
I’m new to the Fibro Forum and I’m so desperate for answers. Lately I’ve been getting horrible electric shocks everywhere in my body. Even in my fingers, face, lips. Normal symptom of Fibro I was told by my PCP. It’s so painful and the pain literally lasts about a second until another one comes. I’ve had all the nerve tests..all perfect. There’s no explanation for it right now. I’ve been on amitriptyline for nerve pain..hasn’t helped. Norco doesn’t knock out the pain either. At this point, I… read more
I used to experience this in my head and neck. My osteopath told me it was from tight muscles putting tension and pressure on the nerves until they release which causes the electric shock feeling. I'm not sure if that helps
My Chiropractor thinks the same as Lisa (above). I have also found that my TENS machine helps when I'm up and out of bed, it seems to "fool" your body to direct it's attention to the part where the pads are?.. I also found some links for PMR (progressive muscle relaxation) meditation which helps when I'm in bed and seems to reduce these pain "shocks"
That's one of the feelings that I've only experienced once so I'm not sure if I really have fibromyalgia but I definitely have lots of soft tissue and muscular tightness knots... I am constantly stretching to feel like normal . When I drive I have to lay back to stretch out my back , I have neck issues, too many injuries , and severe fatigue at times from Hardly doing anything Etc problems. The only time strangely enough that I've ever experienced that zap electrical thing was when I drank a Coke about 15 years ago. I had not drank a Coca-Cola in a long time. That night at midnight I sat up in the bed and an electric current was coming out of my head. It was the strangest thing. I felt like I was a lightning rod ...
I know it was from the the cola. I am mentioning this because sometimes people don't realize that certain things they are putting in their body are contributing . In my case it was clearly the coke. I have not touched Coke since and have not experienced the electric current. I cannot take medicine like amitriptyline and others which I've tried because I will get zaps in the head from the medication.
Yes, electric shock sensations are one of my many symptoms. Mine are mostly on my back, rib cage, at times on my scalp. I found that Clonazepam (benzodiazepin) 0.25-0.5 mg helps with these sensations. Not taking it regularly, only when the zaps are really bad as the medication can be habit forming. Keto diet can be helpful too.
Hi Stephanie
This is one of my Fibro symptoms that I really struggle with, it’s sooo awful to deal with! I find it’s worse when Iam Trying to relax. I litterally can’t keep still because of the pains. I do not take medications due to the side terrible side affects. I find yoga and meditation to help ease the pain. Took me years to get used to my new normal and it just keeps changing. I’ve learnt to ride the rouge waves of pain ❤️🔥
Does Anyone Else Get "electrical Shock" Type Pain?
Does Anyone Else Get This Symptom, Before A Flare? A Wave-like Sensation, All Over, Like A Mild Electric Shock?
Pain That Feels Like Electrical Shocks