Does Anyone Have Swollen Cheeks? It Hurts When I Eat, Chew, And Talk. I Think It’s From Fibromyalgia But Not Sure.
I’ve had swollen cheeks for the past few days. I went to my primary care dr but she wasn’t sure what to do about it. Anyone had this or know what to do…..
You could be grinding your teeth at night which is making your jaw muscle inflamed. It's not necessarily from Fibro, but stress, which Fibro causes. You could try a mouth guard.
It may be TMJ =Temporal Mandible Joint pain
I have jaw pain on the right side and I did go to the dentist and he prescribed a mouth guard. It has really helped.
Sometimes but way worse when wearing denturez
I was just looking up why biting cheek in my sleep, looking to see if the inside cheek is swollen. And there are days have discomfort in jaw area and chewing.
Smells Nobody Else Can Smell
Earaches, Throat Pain And Scalp Sensitivity On Right Side.
Hypertension And Onset Of Fibro