Has Anyone Had Any Luck With The Daith Piercing Finding Relief For Chronic Pain Or Fibromyalgia?
@A MyFibroTeam Member Hi Kris, I've heard of it but don't know anyone personally who has had it done. Hope you get answers from those on this site that have had it done.
Take care, Linda
I've had it for 7 months now. has saved me from headaches so far I am very happy with my choice to take one
I have had chronic migraines for years. I started a new monthly injection and got my tragus pierced. The combination of both of them have really helped for me!
I was thinking about trying the acupressure and acupuncture first before a permanent piercing
Daith Piercing
Has Anyone Had The Inside Of Ear Pierced
Daith Peircing Help With Fibromyalgia