After Medication Advice As Tried Few Things From Doctors With No Success And It's So Frustrating So Back To The Drawing Board As They Say 😥
Any suggestions or advice would be most helpful for when I next speak to my doctor 🙏
It’s true unfortunately, doctors don’t really provide much help other than medication or suggesting you go to therapy or PT. I’ve been told to eat the Mediterranean diet and exercise. I told my rheumatologist that I’ve been doing that for decades so why hasn’t it stemmed off my body’s symptoms in the first place and he didn’t answer that for me. I think the doctors just have a set of standard suggestions they rattle off. I found tea in the evenings with Valerian Root helps A LOT with getting a full nights sleep which is huge! Not sure how long that will work but it is at the moment. I also noticed foods/drinks high in electrolytes help but beware because sports drinks are high in sodium. I’ll be trying coconut water and see if that helps. Just a holistic suggestion….. but I don’t think anything will bring your body back to what it was like before fibromyalgia unfortunately.
Some people from the UK have posted that they are using medical marijuana, so I'm assuming it's available there. Legal or not. I take 50 mg CBD capsules for pain and anxiety. Very occasionally I take an Advil as well.
Sleep is vitally important. I take magnesium bisglysinate, ashwagandha and 5HTP at bedtime.and sleep soundly for at least 5 hours. I'm not groggy in the morning.
I don't take prescription meds for fibromyalgia. All they did was make me exhausted and did nothing for the pain.
I feel you 💞 so frustrating! In a similar situation after 12 months of trying diff medication routes with non effecting me positivly I have asked for a referrals to specialists. On waiting lists for Gynaecology and pain management clinic. Iam doing more meditation to help with mental health side of it all. I hope this helps 🫶🏻
I totally agree with LynneCarol on this.
Most Drs don't have a clue about fibromyalgia and any advice they give out is outdated or second hand - like giving a script for depression because if you have fibro you must have depression. IF! Fibromyalgia is not taught in medical school and most if not all Drs don't have a clue about it - unless they have googled it for themselves.
From what I have learned from this site and reading a lot on the web, you have to avoid if possible any and all pharmaceuticals and stick to simple organic foods as well as taking natural supplements - like magnesium glycinate (a must!), Vit D3, multi-vitamin and minerals which must include B6, zinc as well as selenium. Ashwagandha also is a must. You will have to do a lot of experimenting, like trying this supplement for a few months and if that doesn't help you, then drop it and try something else. Remember, what suits one person probably won't help you either - but it just might.
You will have to be your own specialist with this and make a friend of Google or even Google Scholar. Just keep asking questions of them and narrowing it down until the advice makes sense to you as a lot of it will be very technical. You will get there, just don't feel overwhelmed. Good diet, supplementation and sleep are the keys.
Hi Beverly, I am completely fed up with Western's pill pushing. I've had no help from Dr.'s. So, I finally took matters into my own hands. I went holistic. If you have a chance , read the posts from Pam247 and the one I did to Christine7. The post to Christine7 is more detailed, as to why I went the route I did. Til Later Be Well. Take Care. Thea2 😊
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