What Daily Or More Or Less Frequent Services Do You Believe You Need To Help You With Your Fibromyalgia Symptoms?
1. Clued up GP /Dentist
2. An advocate 👆 to come with me to medical appointments.
3. Clued up body therapist
4. Emotional Health coach
6.Daily living tasks helper
7.Garden maintenance
8. Meal prepper.
9.Volunteer Transport.
10. Fibromyalgia support advocates that regularly phone you to see how you are and what you need.
Am I asking too much? 🤔 🙂
For those wishing for a hot tub, we've had two. Maintenance is too much trouble. Within a few days of getting the first one I had a doctor appointment for a rash. The doctor asked when we got the hot tub. The chemicals have to be carefully balanced. A shower before and afterward is mandatory. Not to mention the power and water bills . Use the one at your local pool. Some non chain hotels will let you use theirs for a fee.
Meal prep a
Aand House cleaning are the most I need help with. Hubby supports a lot. Still we both feel we can't catch up.
Counselling is a must.
Yes. You need to keep moving and taking care of yourself as much as possible. If you stop moving you will definitely get worse. Movement is the best therapy. You don't have to lift heavy weights or run marathons. Walking, cleaning, folding laundry, these can all be therapy. Yoga has been the best therapy for me. I set my routine to hit the body part that hurts most and. Modify if I need to. It has taken a while but I am getting stronger and getting more good days. Flares still suck but good days are good.
Yes, at times, I could use All the above, and then some.
As Lesley mentioned, an adjustable bed, a good indoor pool nearby, massage, osteopathics and chiropractors that are affordable and Insurance to cover the needs of those like us, who are chronically ill, and on a fixed income.
We worked, paid into the "system", and now, our needs are barely, or somewhat met.
As I've stated before, I want the Same Insurance and Amenities, the Politicians get.
Until then, I feel cheated,
you should, too.😡
Well, KT2 - I've had most of those things of the years during my fight with Fibro. When I was at my worst I lived in my hot tub, and had a wonderful massage therapist!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, at 85+ I have help with cleaning and the heavy work in my yard. I suffer through cooking and often buy ready made salads.I haven't found a massage therapist I like, and most of my doctors have either died or retired. I know I need to find some new doctors, but they seem to be few and far between!! I have not found anyone who is as knowledgeable about Fibro as I am. I need a new Rheumatologist and a new Orthopedic guy for sure!!! After so many years of Fibro, I seem to be able to control it quite well with diet, ( no nightshade vegetables, no gluten, sm. amounts of sugar, salt, red meat), excercise, (pilates machine), sleep aids, (small amounts of Amitrip. and Sertaline at bedtime), and my thyroid meds after my thyroid cancer surgery. I also swear by the systemic enzymes. That's about it!!
Old Sue
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