Anyone Else Experience Seizure Like Activity?
This disrupts my entire central brain nervous system , I know fact it’s from extremely heavy duty repetitive unmindful weight lifting at the gym for years . Effecting and disrupting everything literally except my organs. I am not rite feeling at all I know fact this is the very end of me my final stage 3 of severe fibro . I had it for years I just didn’t back away from weights . I seriously screwed my self up majorly. I’m cold prickly skeleton structure damaged.
Positive thoughts trevor negativity will pull you down and make you stressed, anxious and depressed making symptoms worse..focus on anything that makes you happy don't let this crap beat you..
Has a rheumatologist suggested this could be the cause. Mine told me it could have been from an infection of some kind or an emotional trauma or simply bad luck. Just curious ..hope you feel better soon..
Aww God bless 🙌 u Trevor love ❤️ & Hugs 🫂 that sound's scarey. ❤️
You are really strong to go through all this, I can really feel the misery and for this thief robbing us of all forms of life .... But we will keep fighting for our lives and keep struggling for existence as it's our right to live ... We will do it bro 💪💪💪
There’s no way I’ll be able to gym ever again in my life . All I can do is try to walk and bike but my knees are tore up . I try to do just push a few push ups sit ups leg and calf raises and it’s not good . I’ve pounded my joints so much with heavy repetitive exercises with weights for years and now it’s horrible. I’m doing all I can to stay well . Vitamins supplements fruit’s vegetables milk water just nothing seems to work , it’s because I’m expecting it to all go away like this never had happened and I’m expecting to much , I’m sure it’s here to stay this time seeming it spread and my symptoms are worse now than when fibro first stuck me in 2016 - 2020 - and the worst of it all hit me like a ton of bricks 2023 .
Anyone Experience None Epileptic Seizure Like Activity ?
Does Anyone Else Experience Breathlessness After Little Activity?
Burning Pain In Right Side And Back And Legs Hurts Like Crazy. Seems To Be Connected To My GI Issues. Can Anybody Identify?