Feeling Cold But Not Cold To The Touch.
Does anyone struggle with feeling cold but they're not actually cold to the touch?
I'm struggling to sleep because my legs feel cold but when I touch my legs they're warm. But my brain can't quite get the message. I was cold, when I first got into bed, and then i warmed up, well, from the waist up I did.
I went downstairs and now I'm Back in bed and even now they feel wrong, one is too warm but also still cold?
My legs are my main problem area and I struggle a lot with the cold but I never… read more
I am constantly internally freezing cold. I spoke to my gp last year and had blood done and they were fine, but after speaking again this week and it still being a problem have more blood next week. I used to always be a hot person and this time of year be in just a vest top and 3/4 pants but still wearing jumpers and even then I'm cold, and it's such a horrible feeling, makes my exhaustion worse
Yes I get cold sometimes I can't even warm up I have to use hot bottle and wrap up eventually my brain understands
Circulation. You need to chat with your provider.
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Does Anyone Else Feel Cold Even When Environmental Temp Is Warm?